
 20110626 002.jpg  

Teacher's comments (Miss Shakira Rumjaun)

After a difficult start, Cindy has settled well into the class. She has formed a  few close bonds and friendships across the class and is a very confident, cheerful and helpful girl. I am pleased to say she has grown positively this term. Her reading has become more fluent and she is beginning to increasingly read with understanding. She speaks confidently in front of other children and will readily contribute to group discussions. Cindy has been a happy addition to the class and I wish her all the best in Year 3. Keep up the fantastic attitude in Year 3!



EAL teacher's comment (Mr. Jeffrey Stapleton)

Cindy has continued to make noticeable progress this term. She has done very well learning and using technical vocabulary. Cindy needs to continue to improve her word order and sentence structure so that she may use her ever expanding vocabulary more effectively. Cindy's conversational English has also continued to improve and she has done well interacting in pairs and small groups. Overall, Cindy has worked hard and learned to follow instructions this term. Well done Cindy!



Head teacher's comments (R. Martin)

Her lack of English combined with the high expectations of the year 2 curriculum made Cindy's first few weeks quite tough. However, she is very bright, and she has overcome her difficulties to the point where she is doing well.


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    Vivian Lin

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