「我有跟J和M say sorry,還有幫Joanna把作品弄好」
「後來J和M還是要跟我當好朋友阿!」小喵試著弄個happy ending的感覺
「是嗎? 妳如果愛生氣、會欺負小朋友,沒有人會跟妳交朋友,知道嗎?」
小喵現在是否也正遭逢相同困擾? 是過渡期嗎?媽咪的態度?
這學期的評語如下(如此的細膩與落落長, 媽咪typing的好累阿!)
「Nicole has a strong character」,這句話媽咪覺得形容的很貼切
Nicole 2011 Jun
Teacher's general comments:
Nicole is a fun girl who has settled into the Nursery well. She has grasped the daily routines and knows what to do and when to do it. Nicole has a good attitude towards learning and is very motivated to do well, such that she will require a lower level of EAL support to help her access the Reception curriculum securely. Nicole has a strong character and this can sometimes become challenging in her relationships with her peers. Initially, Nicole required encouragement to accept this but she has recently shown that she is opening up to the suggestions of others and will try to adjust some of her social behavior within her peer relationships. Nicole will benefit by relaxing her attitude and using a gentle demeanor when interacting with others. Occasionally, Nicole still requires some reminders to keep her hands to herself, mainly with food items. Overall, a productive time for Nicole who will do well in Reception. Keep up the good work Nicole!
Head Teacher's comments:
Nicole has natural ability, and even though she only has a little English ,the natural ability has enabled her to make good progress in all six areas of learning. Well done Nicole!
About Personal, social and emotional development
Nicole started the Nursery in January and settled in smoothly and quickly. She was able to follow the routines and structure of the Nursery. She can self-initiate learning and will concentrate on teacher-led activities. Nicole can stand up for herself however she must be careful to keep an open attitude and learn to forgive and forget about minor incidents which can affect her moods. Occasionally Nicole needs reminders to keep her hands to herself and although she can approach friendships, she now needs to work on maintaining these. Future target : Nicole should work on developing her awareness of the needs, views and feelings of others as this will help her foster positive relationships with her peers.
About communication, language and literacy
Nicole has worked hard with her English language and this has produced good progress. She can communicate her needs in simple words and sentences in informal contexts and with some EAL support in Reception, this will help her achieve the academic language required to access the Reception curriculum. She enjoys listening to stories and has shown a growing awareness to letters and sounds. Nicole makes good attempts to respond to questions. She is beginning to read the pictures of a simple book. Nicole can write her name independently. Future target : To work on her awareness of rhyme by listening carefully to the rhyming words.
About problem solving, reasoning and numeracy
Nicole has good math ability and can count to 10 and sometimes beyond. She has clear 1-1 correspondence when counting objects and can recognize the numbers to 10. Nicole could compare quantities using the language for "more than" and "less than". Nicole could complete a repeating pattern using colors and shapes and sort objects according to similar size or colour properties. She could recognize some simple 2D shapes and as her numeracy vocabulary grows, so will her understanding and grasp of the mathematical concepts. Future target: To recognize the different 2D shapes.
About knowledge and understanding of the world
Nicole is curious about her environment and will explore the different activities prepared in this area although she must wait for instructions to understand how to utilize the activities. She observed with interest, the changes that took place for different foods. She participated in all our cultural celebrations displaying a developing understanding of customs and languages different to her own. Nicole likes using the computers and her ICT skills are developing steadily. She can use the mouse with increasing control and complete simple programs with minimal support.
About physical development
Nicole enjoys physical activities and can move with coordination and balance appropriate for her age. She can run freely, pedal tricycles and climb outdoor equipment well. Nicole was able to negotiate her own space when playing games which required running, chasing, finding a space and dodging. She could shared a toy and untie it too. Nicole is working on her pencil grip as she has a tendency to use grab grip and needs adjustment to grip the pencil appropriately. With initial support to grip her scissors, she can then cut along a line.
About creative development
Nicole enjoys creative activities and will paint and draw regularly. she has played with the play dough and created some fun objects. Nicole is a frequent visitor of the junk modeling table and has a clear vision of what she wants to make. Nicole can join in with others when engaging in representational play but must be careful to keep to her own role. She is enthusiastic in music lessons and can remember songs from memory and has worked hard practicing for our end of year show.