
Roy takes me go to Chu-Nan, the hometown of my mother, to visit the relatives. Little aunt invite everyone join together to celebrate one of my cousin will be a Dr. and see him off to American for 6 months.

Little aunt give me a box of rice wine and my mother buy another two boxes for me. They are so nice and I will keep it in mind.


Roy takes mother in law and me to go to a mother class, hold by Sen-Bow health bank, the most famous umbilical cord blood collection company in Taiwan. We decide to save her umbilical cord blood for the healthy reason of my family, especially my baby herself and the lineal relatives. We prepay NT$5,000 to reserve the right and have to pay another NT$80,000 after successful collecting the umbilical cord blood.

We start to think about some thing after my baby born. Mother in law and me visit 4 to 5 postpartum service centers, the mother's proper month-long postpartum rest and recuperation place. Roy play a driver role today because the tough parking in Taipei. After a hard visiting today, there is no result. Some centers’ rooms are not good, some have terrible environment in neighborhoods and some don’t have convenience traffic.


Roy and I go the herbal medicine shop to buy the pearl powder for my baby. It’s good for her bone and makes her skin whiter. This shop was introduced by Jeff in the beginning of Jan. This old shop owner check my pulse and told me my pulse and complexion show everything is ok. He told me, base his experiences; he knows this kind of baby bring her parent good luck and smooth life. She must be a filial piety /understanding /good girl. She has born to make her parent happy. And he told us some easy experience of partum from his daughter. I know he try to comfort me. Though I wonder how much foundation of the words he said, I still thank him a lot.

2004/02/20 to 2/22

Roy and I argue on Friday night. He promises to his friend without my agreement. The worst thing is Roy yelling to me for his friend. I have very bad mood this weekend. I left home all day, attend the mother’s class by myself and buy a big cup of pearl milk tea. The pearl milk tea is something I like but don’t drink for my baby for a long time. But when I’m angry, I don’t care about anything.

I know upsetting is very bad for my body and I should make myself happier, but I can’t do it. I am thinking if my baby is a sensitive / blue little girl, it’s all her father’s false!!


I still get angry about Roy and go to the postpartum service center in Da-Gi today by myself. I like the environment here and make decision by myself. I order the VIP room included window, more space and parking lot for 21 days after giving birth. The daily fee is NT$5000, total amount is about NT$105,000, a little bit expensive.


Today is the check for my baby for 28 weeks. Roy is so nice to me these days after argument. Everything is smooth except the nurse told us my baby is a little bit small, especially her belly. She is actually 27 weeks and 4 days old, but under the ultrasound test, she is just like an over-26-weeks baby. Fortunately, the difference is in the normal range, and her belly is not as big as her father’s beer belly.

Her weight is about 1.1 kg today.

In the afternoon, Jun-yir, Michael and their 11-months-old baby come. We clean our house before they come and prepare the Italian noodle for them. Their baby has very beautiful eyes; I wish my baby will be good-looking too.

Today, the nurse gave us two pictures. Upper one is about her face and hands. Her left hand hangs and covers part of her face like a shying girl.

The lower picture is about her sexual organ.

Now my baby is more and more active than previous two months. I remember, in Jan., sometimes I feel disappointed when I can’t feel her movement all day long. But now, the problem doesn’t exist anymore. She keeps quiet every morning and act severely once several hours, especially after my dinner time.


Roy and I go the Fu-ji fishing port with mother-in-law, brother-in-law, Akiko and Rebecca to eat the fresh sea foods. The traffic is bad but the food is good.


Today is the check for my baby for 30 weeks. She is 1.2 to 1.3 kilogram weight. Everything is ok.

Sometimes my abdomen quake slight regularly for 5 to 10 minutes. It’s so strange! I don’t know why but I forget to ask the Dr. in the outdoor patient checking.

I feel my heart beating so quickly and strongly these days especially when I lie down on the bed in the night. I can hear and even count the heart beating frequency via nothing. And I feel hard to breathe more and more seriously. I told the Dr. today and he suggested me to go to the department of internal medicine about heart checking. I followed his suggestion.

The result of heart checking is ok, so Roy and I feel easy in mind.

I have some stretch marks on my hips. It’s very bad. I used the cream hard but the nightmare still happened.


My abdomen is hard today and I feel uncomfortable, especially in the night. Further more, the regular quake in my abdomen is more frequent. It happened three times today, the longest one is even over 15 minutes in the night. I wonder my baby or my abdomen is having spasm. Roy is so worry about baby and me.


My abdomen is still so hard this morning. Roy and I decide to have a day off today to go to the hospital. I do the ultrasound checking, baby’s heart beating checking and uterus contract checking.

Fortunately, the result is ok. The syndrome cause nothing really bad nor premature birth. Dr. suggested me to take rest more and release the working pressure of my mind.

The ultrasound monitor shows that my baby is safe and active. She opened her mouth and stretch out her tongue when we see her. It’s so cute and the nurse caught this picture on time.

About the regular quake, Dr. said it’s normal for baby’s action. It means her limbs develop well.

Thanks God! Roy and I set our mind in ease. Father and mother in law cared so much and called us several times today. They fell happy to hear the result too.


Raby called me to chat at night. I told her about the regular quake about my baby. She told me she had the same experience when she pregnant. She saw a book say it baby’s hiccups. Her baby has hiccups everyday even after birth.


My baby is almost 32 weeks inside of me. Roy and I go to the regular check in hospital. I was draw blood for a test of B-type hepatitis by a novice. Her bad skill made a hematoma on my arm.

Everything is ok except my baby’s weight shortage a little. No ultrasound picture is taken today.

The nurse gave me some consultation about the latter part of the pregnant. I know my baby is coming soon and I have to prepare everything for her.


It’s busy season of the accountant office. These days are so busy and under pressure. My boss and co-workers are very understanding of me.

I asked Roy take the half-naked pictures to keep some precious memories of me, pregnant woman shape with mother’s glory. But he shows me an impatient face; it let me feel I’m a foolish one. It really hurt my heart. I’m very disappointed.

I sacrifice my good shape, my convenience life and even more than we can figure. And he denies my little request. It makes me so sad. I feel no one know me, no one care about me and pay attention of the ideas inside my mind. My body grows, but my soul withered. I’m a lonely woman.


My baby is almost 34 weeks inside of me. Roy and I go to the regular check in the morning. Baby is ok except a little bit small (just over 2000g). I’m too busy to write the diary these days. The picture is a face in profile. She raises her hand to touch her nose.

It’s a period of tough time. Fortunately, my boss, my father in law never complains about the time I arrive office and the days or reasons I ask for leaves. Actually, I think he is really a very good elder for me. He lets me have the chance to get familiar with the business and clients of office and respect my opinions and needs.


Daniel, my younger brother in law, is my coworker too. He pays my lunch box or buys something for me to eat almost every day. I said I will tell my daughter that one of her leg is feed by her uncle.


Maybe Roy feels sorry to hurt my feeling and make me disappointed about taking pregnant pictures. He asked me to take the pictures voluntarily. I feel better but still not so well in my mind.


It’s the regular check for 36 weeks; the weight of baby is about 2200g. I remember the nurse told us the ultrasound picture show the nose of my baby. But we really can’t separate it. Actually, it means my baby is growing. The uterus is crowded for her now, so the picture can’t be taken so clearly as before.

I find I can’t sleep well in office on noon and sometimes the quality of sleep at night is not good. I feel tired and want to take rest often.


It’s the regular check for 37 weeks. The nurse told us the weight of my baby is about 2500g. It’s really good news for us. From the picture, I find my baby has a habit like me. She often uses her hand to touch her face, nose and chin. Roy always makes a joke about me, he call me ”Miss coco”. Our daughter is a little Miss coco.


I have very bad mood because some words from Roy’s mouth. I feel he is not understanding and considerable. I get angry and cry at midnight. We talk a lot and feel better after communicating. Roy promises don’t let me go sleep alone so often afterwards and he will hold and kiss me before I get asleep at least.


It’s the regular check for 38 weeks. The nurse told us the weight of my baby is about 2500g to 2700g. I see her move her head like nod to us in the monitor. I feel she is getting full in form. My cute baby!


I ask for leave from 5/14. Stay at home, feel my baby, walk around and do anything I like.


I feel something different. Roy stay with me. I know my baby is coming.
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    Vivian Lin

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