By Shanthi SHINGAM
Adrian, Aidan, Lucas and Timmy were pretending to have hot pot. They laid the table and looked for various food to add to their spread.
Adrian : I am eating hot pot.
Lucas: I am cooking hot pot!
Aidan: This is a salad, look!
Timmy: I am mummy.
The boys then started to 'eat' together.
Timmy: I cook dinner. (pointing to the table)
Aidan: I am daddy! ...oh...this is yummy! (pretending to eat)
Adrian: I am eating squid...
Timmy: Do you want spicy hot pot?
Lucas: I like spicy hot pot.
Timmy: I like to eat big dumplings.
Adrian: Here, have some tea... (went around serving everyone)
Then, Lucas and Timmy went off with the shopping trolley. They told the rest at the table, "We will be back soon!". They went off to buy more food from the supermarket. Aidan then said, "I want to go to the office now..."
They continued with their play for another ten minutes before moving on to something else.